Human rights and due diligence
As part of the international Qurate Retail Group, QVC Germany undertakes to always observe human rights and environmental due diligence obligations in an appropriate manner with the goal of preventing human rights and environmental risks, minimizing them and, if necessary, ending the violation of human rights-related or environmental obligations.
This commitment applies to both our own business unit and our global supply and value chains. Our goal is that in production and distribution of the products we sell, the environment is respected and protected in addition to human rights.
To this end, we align our business activities with the internationally recognized United Nations Guiding Principles on Business and Human Rights and are committed to the UN Charter of Human Rights as well as to the four basic principles and core labor standards of the International Labor Organization (ILO).
Policy statement on QVC's human rights strategy
The responsible member of the management for this policy statement is the CEO of QVC Germany, Mr. Mathias Bork.

Rules of procedure complaints management
At QVC, human rights and the protection of the environment have a high priority. With your reports and information, you support QVC Germany in the sustainable and effective protection of these legal positions. QVC Germany expressly calls on all persons, whether employees or external parties, not to look away from risks or even violations of human rights or the environment, but to actively report them.

Submission of complaints
QVC Germany is committed to an environment where open, honest communication is the expectation, not the exception. We want you to feel comfortable contacting us in cases where you believe that human rights violations have occurred, where there is a risk of human rights violation, or where there is an environmental risk, so that we can take action and ensure sustainable success in responsible supply chain management.

Code of conduct
This QRG Global Business Partner Code of Conduct (Code) defines the standards that QRG and QVC Germany expects its business partners to comply with. Business partners must comply with international and national laws and applicable law. If the applicable law and this Code deal with the same subject, QRG and QVC Deutschland expects its business partners to comply with the higher standard.